The Snail Factory

The Machine

The Snail Factory

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Machine patent CRM-114 draws nearly one gigawatt of electricity from the Snail Factory power plant, almost 2% of the full power production for the factory. The plant produces 54 Gw total and works on coal shoveled into the furnaces by a complex system of shovels and conveyors which take nearly 60 Gw to power. These moving systems are powered by a separate geothermal plant beneath the factory which produces the full 60 Gw in an environmentally clean, closed system.

CRM-114 also requires 500 liters of salt water per hour, which is pumped in from the ocean by ex-muscleman Dwayne Carter; 12 liters of refined cacao per treat, and one drop of rhinoceros blood each morning. Such were the innovations of it's inventor, Dr. Merkwürdigliebe, who later went on to work for the Muffley administration during the cold war.