The Snail Factory

Zombie Sluts From Uranus

The Snail Factory

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As it was, Mary adored Zombie Sluts From Uranus. Calling it her favorite film of the year, she went on to see the next season's "The Zombie Sluts Take Manhattan" and "Zombie Slut Beach Party In Space". Dr. Breign however loathed the film, finding it too intense for his tastes. The two did not date again.

While the Zombie Slut series went on for 6 more features culminating in the cult classic "Bruce Campbell Vs Army Of Zombie Sluts", it turned out to be Pride and Sensibility which would have the greater legacy. This adaptation of Jane Anne Emily Charlotte-Trollope's novel kicked off the career of an ensemble that would go on to produce such Best Picture winners as "Remains of the End", "Howard's Piano" and "Zombie Sluts 4: The Phantom Menses".