Dev Blog of Madness

Free Alpha Demo Release-

We have now officially released the free Alpha demo for Terror Chasm. It includes 100 single player levels of the game, all lovingly crafted by our custom-made A.I. level generation system, for you to download and enjoy! It has taken awhile to get to this point, and it's very exciting to finally unleash some of our work on to the world. Our plan now is to begin disseminating this demo around the Internet, showing it to people and to get everyone we can to try it out. This is designed to both spread awareness of the game and provide a small sample of what everyone can expect from the full game's release. We want to start building a fandom of people who are interested and invested in Terror Chasm. And what better way to do that than to give them a taste of what we can really do?

If you'd like to try out this awesome demo for yourself, you can find the free download at the very top of the main Terror Chasm page. Have fun!

- False Prophet


We've just released a new video which summarizes the development of Terror Chasm so far. We really wanted to show the work that went into the making of Terror Chasm in an easily consumable way that wouldn't require a lot of research and reading all of the previous dev logs. The video will also be featured on the main Terror Chasm page. This is being unveiled ahead of the free Alpha demo that we will be giving away to anyone who wants to try the game out. It took a lot of work to get to this point, and we are very proud of it!

- False Prophet

Terror Chasm platforming montage (pre-alpha) -

Here we have a new gameplay compilation, a montage of platforming to serve as an example of some of the challenges you will face as you navigate the dark temple of the Mkodo tribe in Terror Chasm. Perhaps this small demonstration will help to prepare you for when we release the free Alpha demo of the game, and you will have to navigate these types of treacherous traps yourself. Being forewarned is forearmed.

- False Prophet


Terror Chasm 2D Art-

Here we have some new 2D art that I created for Terror Chasm, in preparation for the upcoming release of the alpha demo. One image is promotional, one will appear as part of the download for the game and one serves as updated concept art.

This first picture is a “box art” style image for the game. Although we already have a more simplistic Terror Chasm logo which includes a silhouette of our character Lilly running from the monster plant and over a chasm that we use in a lot of places, I wanted another promotional image that would be more detailed. Specifically, I wanted something that would show the character up close, since I felt that would be more dramatic. The idea for the image itself, particularly the composition, was inspired by the paintings that appeared on classic suspense themed pulp magazine covers that were prominent from the late 1800s up until about the 1950s. I figured that if those types of covers worked so well for selling and sensationalizing horror, mystery and thriller content on the newsstands, then it might work for our game as well. Of course the actual style of the art itself is much more in line with my own contemporary and perhaps “cartoony” sensibility, but I'm hoping to channel at least a little of that lurid pulp magazine feeling in the image.


The second picture is going to appear in the download/loading screen of the alpha demo. It's kind of designed to be a “scene setter” and it's the first publicly available image (I had done a few sketches of it previously) of the exterior of the temple itself. It serves the purpose of giving the player a hint of the context of where all of this might be occurring and indicating what the outside of the building might look like. Plus we just needed an image there, so it made more sense to do something like that than to just have a generic screen with abstract colors or complete blackness. See, it's both creative and functional!



The third picture is an updated version of the character concepts. This one is likely more accurate to what the final characters will be like when the game is complete (this will be a multiplayer game when it's all said and done, remember?). For this Alpha demo we just have a single player experience and so only one of the characters has actually been fully modeled textured and animated for the game. But there will be others, even if some details are subject to change between now and when I actually make them.

- False Prophet

Stages of Terror Chasm-

Here's a brief video summarizing the broad steps of Terror Chasm's evolution. It shows some of the stages of progress, from the basic proof of concept for the game through the pre-alpha version. It doesn't include our most recent updates for our full alpha version, that we will be releasing to the public for free very soon. But it does give some indication of the work that's been put into it thus far and also mentions some of the bigger and most important features that we plan to implement by the time the project is fully released. Of course that will take a little while, but we think it will be very cool once it's done. Not to say that it's not starting to look pretty cool already!

- False Prophet

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