"Suffering need not be without meaning. There is the account of a man whose wife had died leaving him on this Earth it seemed, to suffer her loss until the end of his days. Why, he asked, did he have to suffer so? The great man answered, "Because you would surely not see your wife suffer your positions to be reversed were it a choice, and therefore it is an expression of love that you suffer in her stead, and for her too you must survive to be happy again for you know well that her wish, loving you even unto death, would be for you to go on and find happiness once more" and so the man went on and lived another decade before joining her, happy in his final days in the memory of her.
As suffering is given meaning, that meaning empowers man to reach his full potential even in a camp where that full potential is only the most meager of lives, the most meager of goals- To live!
And live on we shall, survive we shall, for yes- Man is capable of great atrocity and it was man who built those camps, but it is also man who perseveres and marches on through them, keeping dignity until the end if the end this should be."