Sell Out

18th Anniversary

Check the Sell Out Bank for previous Sell Out Copies.

18th Anniversary-

Well at this point this site is officially old enough to go to war and die for its country! Yep, we've been at this for a while.

This last 12 months has been spent mostly on trying to spread the word about the free Alpha demo of Terror Chasm, which we released around this same time last year. For example, we posted the demo on, and we've contacted various influencers. We've also been preparing a Kickstarter campaign for the game. We plan to launch the Kickstarter once we build up enough hype around the demo. However, this has proven to be a bit more challenging than we would've hoped (a problem exacerbated by the current oversaturation of the videogame market).

But this won't deter us. As the age of this site should indicate, we are nothing if not steadfast and persistent. Marketing is always a challenge, but we will find a way to get the word out about our game, and get it in front of players. We're simply going to keep trying until something works (as well as continue learning about and refining what works).

And even aside from persistence, one nice thing about being around this long is that you have a chance to witness a lot, and learn things. And one thing that you realize after observing the videogame industry is that it is always changing and always in flux. Between changes in culture, the economy, tech, and consumer tastes, the deck is constantly being reshuffled. The rules keep changing. This level of turbulent chaos in the gaming industry consistently provides for new possibilities and new opportunities. That's the thing about changes in an industry; it's good, or at least potentially good for everyone except the companies that are already on top (as evidenced by the growing disenchantment with AAA gaming that we are currently seeing).

Our demo is ready, our Kickstarter lies in wait and our promotional materials are all set to go. All we have to do now is get more people to experience Terror Chasm. This year is going to be one of change. It's going to be interesting.

- False Prophet