Sell Out

Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween!-

In celebration of the most blatantly evil night of the year, I am pleased to announce that you will get your first chance to play the independent video game that the two overlords of Twisted Jenius have created. I'm of course referring to Twisty's Asylum Escapades, and the first version of the game will be publicly available on December 18.

The game will be released to everyone in the form of a free downloadable beta version. I'd like to point out the fact that this is a beta release means that the game is not entirely done, but it is close enough that we can finally show you what we've been working on and present a "soft release" for any fans of the site that are interested in getting their hands on it. Of course we will continue to improve and update the game well after we get out this first beta version, and we are very excited to see what you think. Prepare yourselves, Twisty is coming...

- False Prophet